Bank account details to pay consular fees

Bank account details to pay consular fees:

Account Name: Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Athens.

Bank Name : Piraeus Bank

Branch name & code : Filotheis Branch (2053)

Account no : 5053 086372 708

IBAN : GR16 0172 0530 0050 5308 6372 708


Address of the Embassy in Athens (for sending documents):

Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

119 Marathonodromon St.,

15452 Palaio Psychiko, Athens, Greece

Phone:+30-210 6720250, +30-210 6720254, +30-210 6752580

Fax:+30-210 6754513

Email:, ( for consular related matter)


Hotline number: 00306945044054